City of Baneberry
Planning Commission Meeting Agenda

June 5, 2023, 4:30 p.m.
Baneberry City Hall

Please note: the city attorney, Doug Drinnon, will be present at the city Commission Meeting Monday, June 5th. If you have a question for the attorney please submit them in advance to the Mayor, City Manager, or City Recorder at least two hours prior to the meeting.

The Mayor can be reached at 423-231-7321
City Hall can be reached at 865-674-0124

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call:
[   ] Chairman Tom Carter
[   ] Vice-Chair Karl Kammann
[   ] Mayor Donna Hernandez
[   ] Wade Nicely
[   ] Gunter Tillmann
[   ] Jim Stover
[   ] George Davis

3. Approval of Minutes from May 8, 2023, meeting minutes

4. Old Business:

5. New Business:
[   ] Keith & Angie Bailey, Lake Vista Dr, Gazebo plans
[   ] Darrell Keene, new house plans, Lot 2164 West Atherton Lane-Resubmit
[   ] Darrell Miller, Lot Replotting Lot #69R, Kammann Cove
[   ] Darrell Miller, Variance Lot #69R, Kammann Cove
[   ] Darrell Miller, new house plans, Kammann Cove
[   ] Darrell Keene, Harrison Ferry Rd, Mini Storage Units
[   ] Darrell Keene, new house plans, St Andrews Dr
[   ] Scott Chadbourn, new house plans, 838 Sunny View

6. Citizen’s Comments: Citizens must go to the podium, state their name, address, and limit their comments to three minutes.

7. Adjournment:

View/Print/Download PDF Planning Agenda June 2023

City of Baneberry
Commission Meeting Agenda

June 5, 2023, 5:00 p.m.
Baneberry City Hall

1. Call to Order
A. Prayer
B. Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call

3. Approval of Agenda:

4. Approval of Minutes: May 8, 2023, City Commission Meeting

5. Doug Drinnon: City of Baneberry Attorney

6. Communication from the Mayor:

7. Communication from the City Commissioners:

8. Communication from the City Manager:

9. Reports from committees:
A. Fire Department
B. Planning Commission
C. Parks and Recreation
D. Road Commission
E. Codes Officer

10. Old Business:
[   ] Audit review

11. New Business:
[   ] 2nd Reading Ordinance FY23 Budget Amendment
[   ] 1st Reading Ordinance FY24 Budget and Tax Rate
[   ] FY 2023-2024 Board Meeting Schedule-action item

12. Citizen’s Comments: Citizens must go to the podium, state their name, address, and limit their comments to three minutes.

13. Adjourn:

View/Print/Download PDF Commission Agenda June 2023