Community Center & City Offices

Baneberry’s Community Center houses the city offices, staffed by the City Manager, and the community meeting rooms.
City offices are controlled-access spaces used for conducting city business and storing city records. Public access shall be under the supervision of the City Manager or other authorized City officials.
The Community Center meeting rooms, kitchen, and patio areas are for conducting public business and providing organized Park and Recreation functions.
The spaces are also available on a fee basis, for use by residents and their guests, and by non-residents, businesses, clubs, organizations, etc.
All functions shall be scheduled in advance through the Baneberry City Manager.
City Office hours are posted on the building and in various locations in this website. Community Center availability is subject to seasonal variations, holidays, and staffing requirements.
The City of Baneberry does not discriminate based on age, race, abilities, religion or sexual orientation and it reserves the right to change policies whenever it is determined to be in the best interest of the City and its residents.
*Smoking and Alcohol Consumption in the Community Building is prohibited.
*Water slides and/or bounce houses, as well as fire pits are prohibited.
To Request Use of Community Building
1. All functions, whether City or private shall be scheduled in advance through the City Manager. Facility reservations are on a first come, first served basis.
2. All requests to use the Community Building facilities for events other than official city functions shall be made in person or in writing by US mail, FAX or email by the person who will be responsible for the event/function for which the facility will be rented.
Attn: City Manager
521 Harrison Ferry Road
Baneberry, TN 37890
Fax: 865-674-8674
Phone: 865-674-0124
3. Groups needing to use the building on a monthly or more frequent schedule throughout the year, shall provide all dates for which scheduling is requested.
4. Community Center availability is subject to regularly and special scheduled activities, events and City meetings; to seasonal variations, holidays and staffing requirements; and to previously scheduled reservations.
5. Room capacity:
- Large meeting area holds chair seating for 250
- Large meeting area holds table & chairs for 120
6. Parking is limited to 33 spaces plus two handicap parking spaces at the Community Center. This total includes the four (4) spots at the Mail Center. With Police Department assistance and careful parking, this number could be increased to approximately fifty (50) without parking on the grass.
7. The requestor and City agree to and document the private activity, event, function, meeting using the City’s Rental Agreement for Use of Community Center Facilities. (Not required for City organized activities.) A copy of the agreement form is provided at the end of this policy guide; on the City’s website; and is available from the City Manager.
8. Use of the kitchen and outdoor areas must be prearranged. Kitchen equipment may only be used to keep things warm—no cooking.
9. Rental Fees, if required, must be paid in full, one (1) week prior to the event as follows:
Large meeting area (includes use of the kitchen) | |
Day rate | $150.00 (12 AM – 11:59 PM) |
Deposit | $50 cleaning deposit |
All rentals require a cleaning deposit.
Long-term rental fees shall be paid monthly in advance. Rental agreements shall be for periods not to exceed three (3) months.
Fee Exemptions:
- Official functions of the City of Baneberry.
- Activities and events that benefit the public and are sponsored by the City of Baneberry; Social and Entertainment Committee (a division of Parks and Recreation Commission); or other City Commission / Departments as authorized by the Board of Commissioners.
10. All rentals require a security deposit equal to the rental fee, paid with a separate check. The security deposit is refundable at the close of the event after inspection by a designated City representative declaring the premises to be – clean, decorations / signage removed, furniture restored to standard location, and free of damage. Any damage to the facility or its contents will be paid out of the security deposit. Any additional costs will be the responsibility of the contracted user.
11. Long-term rental fees shall be paid monthly in advance. Rental agreements shall be for periods not to exceed one (1) year.
12. Notice of cancellation of events must be made 48 hours in advance. Any event, canceled without notice, which is scheduled outside of the regular building hours, shall forfeit its rental fees. Events scheduled specifically for the outside patio and canceled due to inclement weather will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
13. When the size of the anticipated attendance or the nature of the activity warrants, the sponsoring individual(s) or organization shall provide for police traffic control and additional official supervision as determined necessary by the City Manager or other City officials.
- Such arrangements must be made by the applicant through the City Manager.
- Any fees charged for police, fire, or first responder services are the responsibility of the applicant.
14. The City of Baneberry shall have free access to the facility as needed.
Insurance Requirements:
1. Any group or organization, other than City-sponsored groups and events, using the community rooms must assume full responsibility for personal injury and property damage to any participants and spectators.
- Check with your insurance carrier for ‘single event’ liability coverage for events outside of your personal home or business.
- If a Certificate of Insurance is obtained, a copy should be filed with the City Manager.
2. If any injury occurs during an event, a report of injury must be filed with the City Manager within twenty-four (24) hours of the injury.
3. The City of Baneberry assumes no responsibility for property left on the premises by the applicant.
User Responsibilities:
1. The person who executes the rental agreement (contract) must be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
2. The person signing the rental agreement (over age 18) or a City-approved designee responsible for the activity must be present throughout the activity.
3. The person signing the rental agreement or a City-approved designee is responsible for all members of his or her party.
4. Any program involving children is the responsibility of the group leader. Group leaders must arrive at least fifteen (15) minutes prior to the scheduled event and may not leave until all children have been picked up. Under no circumstances shall any child to be left unattended.
5. Temporary decorations are allowed, but must be removed at the end of the activity (tape, string, etc.)
6. Nails, hooks or anything that might damage the walls or ceilings are not permitted. Damages will result in forfeiture of the security deposit.
7. Set up, breakdown and clean-up of any program or activity is the responsibility of the user group.
- Users are responsible for leaving the facility as it is found.
- All litter and trash must be disposed of and removed from the facility and grounds to the outdoor trash containers.
- Any damage done to the facility by the group or organization, as determined by a designated city official, is the financial responsibility of that group or organization.
8. Smoking and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages is NOT permitted anywhere in the building or elsewhere on City property.
9. Consumption or possession of any illegal substance is prohibited and will be reported to the police.
10. All windows and doors should be closed and locked and all issued keys (if applicable) returned before any security deposits are returned.