City Manager
Michael Phagan served as a County Commissioner for the 3rd District—as Chaplain, Chair of the Long-Range Planning Committee, member of the Facilities and
Nominating Committees, and formerly as a member of the Budget Committee.
He is a Certified Public Accountant and before serving the City of Baneberry he was employed as the Work-Based Learning Liaison, Partners in Education Liaison, and Safe Schools Coordinator for Jefferson County Schools.
He was formerly the Director of Facilities, Transportation, and Business Affairs, where he served as the Owner’s Representative on the team that led the largest, multi-million building program in the county’s history.
The City Manager is hired by the Baneberry City Commission. The City Manager has a wide range of duties and responsibilities overseeing all administrative tasks necessary for city operations. The City Manager hires all staff and department heads. It is the responsibility of the City Manager to prepare and submit to the City Commission a balanced budget and care for the financial needs of the city. The City Manager also implements and oversees policy adopted by the Mayor and City Commission.
Office Location:
521 Harrison Ferry Road
Baneberry, TN 37890
Fax: 865.674.8674