Baneberry City Commission Minutes
February 5, 2024, 5:00 p.m.
Baneberry City Hall
I. Call to Order-Mayor Hernandez called the meeting to order at 5:01 pm.
A. Prayer-CM Phagan
B. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Roll Call:
A. Mayor Hernandez – present
B. Tom Carter -present
C. Mark Howard-absent
III. Approval of Agenda:
A. Tom Carter made a motion to approve the agenda with 2 spelling corrections.
Mayor Hernandez 2nd. Passed 2-0.
IV. Approval of Minutes:
A. January 8th, 2024-Tom Carter made a motion to accept the minutes. Mayor Hernandez 2nd. Passed 2-0.
B. SCM January 22nd, 2024-Tom carter made a motion to accept the minutes. Mayor Hernandez seconded. Passed 2-0.
V. Citizen Comments:
A. James Beans, 701 Parsonage Road, White Pine, introduced himself to the citizens as a candidate for Constable in the Primary March 5th. Mr. Beans gave background information on his career and discussed the role of a constable. He fielded several questions from the audience.
VI. Communication from the Mayor:
A. Mayor Hernandez announced that Jay Brombach has agreed to take the job as interim fire chief.
VII. Communication from City Commissioners:
A. Tom Carter announced that the MacVeagh building and site plans are now approved.
VIII. Communication from City Manager:
A. Codes enforcement update-CM Phagan announced that a cease-and-desist letter was mailed, by the attorney, to 2601 Mountain View Lane. He also stated that additional code violation letters have been sent by the City.
B. Streetlights-CM Phagan announced that we are looking into converting to LED streetlights.
IX. Reports from Committees:
A. Fire Department-CM Phagan reviewed a letter from Fire Chief Brombach with accolades and areas that need improvement.
B. Planning Commission: No meeting
C. Parks & Recreation/Social Entertainment Committee-SEC meets Tuesday, February 6th at 5:30 pm. Also, citizens were made aware of the International Food Night on Friday February 10th.
D. Road Commission: Jim Wilson provided an overview of the last Roads Commission meeting.
X. Old Business: None
XI. New Business:
A. Ordinance 2024-07 to replace Ord. 2023-007, City of Baneberry purchasing policy and procedures.
1. Tom Carter made a motion for ordinance 2024-07 to replace Ordinance 2023-007. Mayor Hernandez seconded. Passed p t reading 2-0.
B. Budget amendment-nothing currently
C. Board of Zoning Appeals vacancy.
1. Mayor Hernandez announced that a vacancy had opened on the Board of Zoning Appeals. She asked if anyone is interested to let City Hall or one of the commissioners know.
XII. Adjournment:
A. Tom Carter made a motion to adjourn at 5:21 pm Mayor Hernandez seconded. Passed 2-0.