Baneberry City Commission Agenda

February 5, 2024, 5:00p.m.

Baneberry City Hall

I. Call to Order
A. Prayer
B. Pledge of Allegiance

II. Roll Call:

III. Approval of Agenda:

IV. Approval of Minutes:
A. January 8th, 2024
B. SCM January 22nd, 204

V. Citizen Comments:

VI. Communication from the Mayor:

VII. Communication from City Commissioners:

VIII. Communication from City Manager:
A. Codes enforcement update
B. Streetlights

IX. Reports from Committees:
A. Fire Department
B. Planning Commission
C. Parks & Recreation/Social Entertainment Committee
D. Road Commission

X. Old Business:

XI. New Business:
A. Ordinance 2024-07 to replace Ord. 2023-007, City of Baneberry purchasing policy and procedures.
B. Budget amendment
C. Board of Zoning Appeals vacancy.

XII. Adjournment: