Baneberry Roads Commission Minutes

March 12th, 2024, 4:30 pm
Baneberry City Hall

I. Call to Order
Rick Powers called the meeting to order at 4:32 pm.

II. Roll Call:
A. Rick Powers, Chairman-Present
B. Greg Gentry, Secretary-Absent
C. Jim Idol-Present
D. Jim Wilson-Present
E. Donna Hernandez, Mayor-Present

III. Citizen Comment

  1. Mark Plonski, 123 Kammann Cove.
  2. Scott Chadbourne, Sunnview Lane.
  3. Tina Raddish, 3504 Nina Ferry Point.

IV. Approval of AgendaRick Powers made a motion to approve the Agenda. Donna Hernandez seconded. Passed 4-0.

V. Approval of Minutes
A. January 30th, 2024
Rick Powers made a motion to approve the January 30th, 2024, minutes. Jim Idol seconded. Passed 4-0.

VI. Communication from Chairman-None

VII. Communication from Commission Members-None

VIII. Communication from City Manager
A. Update on Meeting with Roger Willis

  1. CM Pagan referred to the Road/Storm water report found in the commission packets.
  2. CM Phagan thoroughly reviewed the report fielding questions as needed.
  3. CM Phagan shared two articles to provide insight of the effects of storm water on roads.

IX. Old Business:
A. Road Paving Project:
CM Phagan introduced Brad Peters, a representative from MTAS.
Mr. Peters provided the following information and insight for the upcoming Baneberry road repair and paving project:

  1.  Develop a sequence of activities.
  2.  Compile a complete list of road maintenance needs.
  3.  Make all repairs before paving.
  4.  Develop a scope of work avoiding change orders.
  5.  Develop a bid process and bid alternative to avoid rebids.
  6.  The two worst elements affecting roads are heavy vehicles and water.
  7.  Be as flexible as possible. This could result in a better price.
  8.  Suggested that the Road Commission must sign off on Certificates of Occupancy (CO). This allows for any road damage due to construction to be repaired before a CO is issued.

B. Review and recommend updates to ordinances and codes related to building, site development/improvement, zoning, subdivision, and roads.
Donna Hernandez requested codes be reviewed regarding weight restrictions for heavy trucks. There needs to be a procedure such as pictures must be taken of the road and adjacent property before construction begins.
Donna Hernandez also stated that the City needs an ordinance for Radius and Culvert installations.

X. New Business:
A. Building Official Report

  1. CM Phagan reviewed and fielded questions regarding the Building Official report.

B. Anthony Kelly

  1. 3373 lrongate Drive, baneberry, Tn
    Donna Hernandez made a motion to approve the new construction project for Anthony Kelly contingent upon a 20′ driveway with a 2 ft radius on each side where the driveway meets the road. The total driveway, with a radius, is 24ft. Rick Powers 2nd• Passed 3-1 with Jim Idol voting against.

C. Darrell Keene and Shane Collins:

  1.  Lot#2107 Back Nine Drive, BaneberryTn.
  2.  Lot #2106 Back Nine Drive, Baneberry, Tn.
  3.  Lot #2105 Back Nine Drive, Baneberry, Tn.
  4.  Lot #2104 Back Nine Drive, Baneberry, Tn.
    Donna Hernandez made a motion to approve the new construction projects for Darrell Keene, Shane Collins, and Kirk Rust for Back Nine Lots #2104, #2105, #2106, #2107 contingent upon a 20′ driveway with a 2ft radius on each side where the driveway meets the road. The total driveway, with the radius, is 24ft. The motion also included increasing the shared driveway to a radius of 14ft up to where the driveway splits to individual houses. At this point each driveway would be 1 Oft. Rick Powers 2nd. Passed 3-1 with Jim Idol voting against.

D. Speed Limit Information

  1.  Jim Wilson made a motion for the City to pass an Ordinance for the speed limit on Harrison Ferry decrease from 35mph to 25mph. This would be consistent with the other city roads. Jim Idol 2nd. Passed 4-0.

XI. Adjourn:

  1.  Jim Idol made a motion to adjourn. Donna Hernandez 2nd. Passed 4-0.

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