City of Baneberry Commission Meeting Agenda

September 9, 2024, 5:00 p.m.
City Hall

I. Call to Order
A. Prayer
B. Pledge of Allegiance

II. Roll Call

III. Public Comments: Must complete and submit a Public Comment form prior to the start of the meeting.

IV. Approval of Agenda

V. Approval of Minutes
A. August 5, 2024
B. July 1st, 2024

VI. Communication from the Mayor

VII. Communication from City Commissioners

VIII. Communication from City Manager
A. Fire Department

  1. Donation from Jefferson County Finance Department
  2. White Pine/Baneberry Interlocal agreement for automatic response of fire protection, rescue and E.M.S. services

B. Codes Enforcement

  1. Building Official Report

C. Other

  1. CARE request from the City
  2. Certified tax rate
  3. Contract to audit accounts for the City of Baneberry.
  4. City of Baneberry Audit Report for the year ending June 30, 2023.
  5. Urban Growth Boundary Committee Recommendation.

IX. Reports from Committees:
A. Planning Commission
B. Parks & Recreation/Social Entertainment Committee
C. Road Commission
D. Board of Zoning Appeals

X. Old Business
Review and recommend additional updates to ordinances and codes related to building, site development/improvement, zoning, subdivision, and roads.

XI. New Business
A. Ordinance 2025-03, An Ordinance amending BMC Title 15, 15-604 and Ordinance 212-5 Article VII, Section 703.1-1 to define front line and forward-most line of the house.
B. Resolution 2025-02: A resolution to Quit-Claim certain real property to Witt Utility District
C. Other

XII. Adjournment