City of Baneberry Commission Meeting Agenda
December 3, 2024, 5:00p.m.
City Hall

I. Call to Order
A. Prayer
B. Pledge of Allegiance

II. Introduction of City Judge

III. Oath of Office for New Commissioners

IV. Roll Call

V. Appointment of Mayor & Vice-Mayor

VI. Public Comments: Must complete and submit a Public Comment form prior to the start of the meeting.

VII. Approval of Agenda

VIII. Approval of Minutes: November 4, 2024

IX. Communication from the Mayor

X. Communication from City Commissioners

XI. Communication from City Manager
A. Fire Department
B. Codes Enforcement
C. Other

XII. Reports from Committees
A. Planning Commission
B. Parks & Recreation/Social Entertainment Committee
C. Road Commission
D. Board of Zoning Appeals

XIII. Old Business
A. Second Reading: Ordinance N0. 2025-05, An Ordinance Amending the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year Budget, Budget Amendment #1
B. Second Reading: Ordinance 2024-04, An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Ordinance of Baneberry Tennessee by Requiring All New Driveways to be Paved and Walkways to be Concrete or Pavers
C. City Manager Agreement
D. Review and recommend additional updates to ordinances and codes related to building, site development/improvement, zoning, subdivision, and roads.

XIV. New Business
A. Surplus Resolution
B. Other

XV. Adjournment