Baneberry Roads Commission Minutes

January 30, 2024, 5:00 pm
Baneberry City Hall

I. Call to Order: Chairman Powers called the meeting to order at 5:00pm.

II. Roll Call:
Rick Powers, Chairman-present
Greg Gentry, Secretary-present
Jim Idol-present
Jim Wilson-present
Donna Hernandez, Mayor-present

III. Citizen Comment-None

IV. Approval of Agenda-Greg Gentry made a motion to accept the agenda. Jim Idol abstained. Donna Hernandez seconded. Passed 4-1

V. Approval of Minutes
October 31, 2023-Special Called Meeting-
October 31, 2023-Regular Meeting
Rick Powers made a motion to accept the minutes. Donna Hernandez seconded. Passed 5-0.

VI. Communication from Chairman

VII. Communication from Road Commission Members (RC)-Jim Wilson shared information he had on city speed limits and what the state law allows. His information also includes Jefferson City data, municipalities, and school zones. Copies of his handouts will be made and the topic of “Speed Limit” added to next month’s meeting.

VIII. Communication from City Manager- CM Phagan explained their notebooks and how they will be used in upcoming meetings.

IX. Old Business:
A. Citywide repaving-CM Phagan reviewed an email from Brad Peters (MTAS)

  1.  Donna Hernandez asked if they had provided any directions on the best place to start.
  2.  CM Phagan stated it was his understanding, the priority list of roads was based on expertise of MTAS Public Works consultant, Brad Peters, and the historical knowledge of Gary Zander.
  3.  Mr. Peters had no recollection of a conversation involving widening Back Nine Drive and widening it was not included in the calculations.
  4.  Jim Wilson thinks it should be widened.
  5.  Rick Powers inquired about fog sealing.
  6.  Jim Wilson inquired about the cost of moving equipment in the middle of the project. For instance, if an entire road is not paved.
  7.  Jim Idol requested an excel copy of the road document.
  8.  CM Phagan described the Jefferson County High School paving project and how this saved money working with Charles Tipton. You must wait for his timetable.
  9.  Donna Hernandez asked when we should start taking bids.
  10.  CM Phagan stated that the Commission needs to decide how they want to proceed. Brad Peters will come and advise. The timeline for starting the project depends on how the RC decides to approach the project.
  11.  CM Phagan stated that $505,000.00 has been allotted for the project.
  12.  Donna Hernandez asked if Brad Peters could be at the next meeting.

B. Gravel and grading

  1. Rick Powers stated that lrongate was graded about 3 months ago. It needs gravel and regraded. He also asked if there was any discussion to grading lrongate to Harrison Ferry.

C. Storm water issue on West Atherton-CM Phagan provided an update.

D. Culvert project

  1. CM Phagan stated that the second round of ARPA money is designated for culvert replacement.
  2. CM Phagan reviewed 2023 Audit handout regarding the use of and remaining balance of the ARPA Grant.
  3. Donna Hernandez asked if Roger Willis was involved with the culvert project. CM Phagan replied, “yes”. He also said he would be meeting with Roger concerning other culvert locations.
  4. Jim Wilson described where the road is washing at Mountain View and Bonnevista. CM Phagan said he would investigate it.

X. New Business:

E. Welcome new member – Jim Idol

F. Review and recommend updates to ordinances and codes related to building, site development/improvement, zoning, subdivision, and roads.

  1. CM Phagan went through the RC notebook highlighting areas that pertain to their responsibility.

G. Elect new officers.

  1. Chairman, Rick Powers asked if anyone would like to be chairman. No discussion.

XI. Adjournment: Donna Hernandez made a motion to adjourn at 6:15pm. Rick Powers seconded. Passed 5-0. The next meeting is set for Tuesday March 5th at 5:00pm.

View / Download / Print Roads Minutes January 30 2024