Minutes of Baneberry Planning Commission

July 11, 2022, 4:30 p.m.

Baneberry City Hall

1.  Call to Order: Tom Carter called the meeting to order at 4:32 p.m.

2. Roll Call:

Chairman Tom Carter
Vice-Chair Karl Kammann
Mayor Donna Hernandez
Wade Nicely-absent
Gunter Tillmann
Jim Stover
George Davis

3. Approval of Minutes: Jim Stover made the motion to approve the June 4th minutes. Seconded by Gunter Tillmann.

4. Citizen’s Comments: No Citizens comments

5. Old Business:

    • Motion made by Tom Carter, Seconded by Donna Hernandez to approve Mark Plonski new house plans on Kamman Cove. Motion passed 6-0

6. New Business:

    • Motion made Karl Kammann to approve new house construction for Scott Adare on
      St. Andrews Dr. Seconded by Gunter Tillmann. Motion passed 6-0
    • Discussion on fence permit for Shaun Harrington on West Atherton Lane. Concerns if the two lots shown on the plans have been combined. Motion made by Karl Kammann to approve the fence plans, once a survey is submitted showing combined lots. Second by George Davis. Motion passed unanimously.
    • Gene Janes approached the Commission asking to park and live in a camper on Hillside Place lots while they build a new home. After some discussion, Gunter Tillmann motioned to deny Mr. Janes request due to the fact others building in Baneberry will ask to do the same. Seconded by Mayor Hernandez. Motion passed 6-0
    • Discussion on parking of campers and boats in front yards. Board Chairman Tom Carter asked that the City send a letter to all the Baneberry residents.
    • Carmen Kammann, West Atherton Ln, was given permission by Tom Carter to address the Commission after Open Floor and discussed her concerns regarding the appearance of fence for Shaun Harrington on West Atherton Lane. Mrs. Kammann opined that she did not like the looks of the fence.

7. Adjourn: Motion made by Mayor Hernandez seconded by Gunter Tillmann at 5:20 p.m.

Approved: 8.4.2022