Road Commission
Baneberry City Ordinance 215-12; An Ordinance Establishing a Road Policy, establishes a Road Commission, assigns responsibilities, and controls the maintenance of existing streets; the construction of new streets; and the method by which property owners can be aided in the construction of new streets and/or the installation of public utilities where none presently exist.
The Road Commission consists of five (5) members.
All members of the Road Commission must be residents of Baneberry and shall be duly appointed by the Mayor.
No one will be allowed to serve on the commission if it is determined, by the Mayor that their service would constitute a conflict of interest.
The volunteer position of Road Commissioner oversees, with the City Manager, and with approval from the Board of Commissioners, Baneberry’s road policy.
In collaboration with the City Manager and the Mayor, the Road Commissioner is responsible for developing and sustaining a five-year (5-yr) perpetual road maintenance/development plan.
The road commissioner prepares and submits an annual budget to the City Manager. With approval of the Board of Commissioners, funds are set aside for specified road maintenance.
The Road Commission is responsible for determining the location, need and the extent of the repairs and has the authority to complete repairs on the previously “accepted” / “dedicated” City streets if cost estimates do not exceed the budgeted funds allotted for such repairs. If cost will exceed the budget the City Commission must approve the project.
Cost of work on any street or right-of-way, other than those streets previously “accepted” / “dedicated”, must be approved by the Board of Commissioners.
Members of the Road Commission may obtain proposals, negotiate with contractors and outline any work to be done.
All proposals will be first approved by the Road Commission and then sent to the Board of Commissioners for consideration and approval.
It shall be unlawful for anyone to make any changes, perform any road construction or otherwise change the configuration of any public right-of-way, except through the Road Commission and Board of Commissioners.
The Road Commission must get approval from the Board of Commissioners if the changes are of a nature that does not conform to current city standards or ordinances.
The City of Baneberry is responsible for repair and maintenance of all current paved roads in the City.
All roads not currently paved which include dirt, gravel, or shoot and chip finishes will be paved to city standards on a request basis from one or more lot owners following the procedures in Baneberry City Ordinance 215-12.
The costs of bringing the road to city standard will be assessed to the lot owners as described in City Ordinance 215-12. Two (2) years following such a road improvement, assuming no significant failures, the road is “accepted” and/or “dedicated” and becomes the City’s responsibility to maintain.