Minutes of Baneberry City Commission
Nov 1, 2021, 5 PM
Baneberry City Hall

  1. Call to Order: Donna Hernandez called the meeting to order at approximately 5:15 PM.
    • The prayer was delivered by Darrell Helton
    • The pledge of allegiance was done
  2. Roll Call: City Manager, Darrell Helton called the roll with all members present.
  3. Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of Oct 4, 2021, were approved upon a motion by Tom Carter and a second by Gary Zander and the vote was unanimous.
  4. Citizens comments: Citizen commented that the exit sign over the back door was out. She also asked if there had been any further discussion on increasing the commission from three to five.
  5. Communications from Mayor: Mayor Commented that there would be an appreciation dinner for County Law Enforcement and White Pine Law Enforcement on Dec 4, 2021, in the community room at City Hall. The commission then approved the expenditure of up to $1,000.oo for this event. The mayor also confirmed that she had appointed Chrissy Cummins to the Parks & Recreations Board replacing Char North.
  6. Communications from City Commissioners: Gary Zander spoke about the difficulty the Sheriff’s Department was having right now with personnel issues and that is why they are having the appreciation dinner.
  7. Communications from City Manager: The City Manager reported that Baneberry had received funds from the ARPA of $79,222.50 which is the allocation for 2021/2022. Next year will be the same amount. He asked the commission to approved funds for the covering of the panels in the community room of up to $3150.oo which was approved upon a motion by Gary Zander and a second by Tom Carter and the vote was unanimous. He also reported that the artificial turf had been purchased for the dog park and would be delivered soon.
  8. Reports from committees and other officials:
    • Fire Department: No report
    • Planning Commission: Chair Tom Carter reported that the commission had approved the following:
      • Carport and gate for Rick Powers of 1158 Stoneway Court
      • Addition to deck for George Barton of 203 Back Nine Drive
      • Addition to garage for Alan and Valerie Kyle of 239 Red Bud Court
      • Addition to porch for Guy Evans of 438 Lake Vista
      • He also reported that the commission had approved that all requests to the planning commission must be submitted 10 days prior to the regular meeting in order to be processed properly. He also announced a workshop to be held Nov 18, 2021, at 9 AM to discuss language concerning carports and gates for driveways.
    • Parks and Recreation: Vicki Gentry reported on all the upcoming events that they have planned. These are posted in our display case.
    • Road Commission: No report since they have not met.
    • Codes Officer: No Report
  9. Old Business: None
  10. New Business: Non-resident property owners voting rights were discussed and the commission decided no to this issue. John Woods asked the commission if they would be interested in annexing property that he was developing. It involves 22.5 acres known as the John Hall property. After discussion, the commission said they were interested, and Mr. Woods said he would be back later with more information. The commission then approved spending $3350.oo on new cameras for the outside and inside of city hall. This will replace old cameras. They then discussed further the hotel/motel or occupancy tax for Baneberry. After discussion, they instructed the city manager to pursue this and report back to them.
  11. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:30 PM.

Approved 12/6/2021