Minutes of Baneberry City Commission Meeting
March 7, 2022, 5 PM
Baneberry City Hall

1. Call to Order: Mayor Donna Hernandez called the meeting to order at 5PM
A. Prayer was delivered by City Manager Darrell Helton
B. The Pledge of Allegiance was done

2. Roll Call: The roll was called with everyone present.

3. Approval of minutes: The minutes of the meeting of Jan 10, 2022, and the meeting of Feb. 7, 2022 and the special called meeting of Feb. 21, 2022 were approved upon a motion by Gary Zander and a second by Tom Carter and the vote was unanimous.

4. Citizen’s comments: None

5. Sheriff Jeff Coffey was unable to attend.

6. Communications from Mayor: Mayor reported that the applicant for City Manager had withdrawn her name for the position. The commission would continue to search for a new person.

She mentioned that she had called the Sheriff about the complaints about loose dogs and he will contact the people.

The Mayor asked the commission to approve the proposal from Baseline Sports Construction for $14,935.00 to lay the artificial turf for the Dog Park. The commission will have to amend the budget since this will go over the amount of the grant the city received. This was approved upon a motion by Gary Zander and a second by Tom Carter and the vote was unanimous.

7. Communications from City Commissioners: Tom Carter reported on the future possible annexation request from John Woods. It was decided that Mr. Woods will return with the soil maps and plans with further details.

8. Communications from City Manager: He reported that Trilight Cable had contacted him and that they were ready to start offering hookups within the next two weeks. They will contact all residents of Baneberry through their AEC bills with information about how to do this.

He also reported that we had received the codification of the Baneberry Municipal Code from MTAS. He and the Mayor are reviewing it and will report back to the commission.

9. Reports from Committees and other officials:
A. Fire Department: The Brush Truck had been called out over the weekend and problems with it had developed and the City Manager along with Donnie Willford had made an appointment to get it fixed. Gary Zander reported that Tom Garswick had agreed to volunteer with the fire department and that he needed to be put on the fire department roster.
B. Planning Commission: Tom Carter reported that they had approved 2 new house construction and followed up on one other house construction. They briefly discussed the possible annexation of developer John Woods.
C. Parks and Recreation: Sandy Plonski reported on upcoming events.
D. Road Commission: Gary Zander reported on the storm damage from the recent flooding. Several culverts would have to be replaced. He said that several of the street signs had been put up.
E. Codes officer: Mark Plonski and the City Manager had found the ordinance on trailers and that they had to be behind the front line of the house. This had been an issue and now would be enforced.

10. Old business:
A. Mayor Hernandez announced that a public hearing on Ordinance 2022-01 was open. There were no comments.
b. Ordinance 2022-01 concerning an occupancy tax was approved on second reading upon a motion by Gary Zander and a second by Tom Carter and the vote was unanimous.
c. Ordinance 2022-02 concerning amending the budget for the fiscal year 2021-2022 was approved upon a motion by Tom Carter and a second by Gary Zander and the vote was unanimous.

11. New Business: The audit for the year ending 2021 was postponed until the next meeting for further review.

The commission approved repealing Ordinance 217-05 concerning open burning policy. This was approved upon a motion by Gary Zander and a second by Tom Carter and the vote was unanimous. The city will now tell those calling for a permit to call the forestry division and 911 and it will be their responsibility to do this. They could face possible fines if they do not call.

12. Adjourn: The meeting was then adjourned at approximately 6PM

Approved 4/7/2022