Public Hearing: Budget Amendment Minutes

March 18th, 2024, 5:00 pm
Baneberry City Hall

I. Call to Order:
Mayor Hernandez called the meeting to order at 5:02 pm.

II. Roll Call:
Commissioner Howard, Vice Mayor Carter, and Mayor Hernandez were all present.

III. Public Comment:
A. Second Reading: Ordinance 2024-08. An ordinance amending the 2023-2024 fiscal year budget. Budget amendment #1.
No Public Comments

IV. Adjourn:
Vice Mayor Carter made a motion to adjourn at 5:03 pm. Commissioner Howard 2nd. Passed 3-0.

View / Download / Print Public Hearing Minutes March 18, 2024


Special Called Meeting

March 18th, 2024, Immediately following the Public Hearing

I. Call to Order:
Mayor Hernandez called the meeting to order at 5:03 pm.

II. Roll Call:
Mayor Hernandez, Commissioner Howard, and Vice Mayor Carter were all present.

III. Business Item:
A. Second Reading: Ordinance 2024-08. An ordinance amending the 2023-2024 fiscal year budget. Budget amendment #1.

  • Vice Mayor Carter made a motion to approve the passage of Ordinance 2024-08, on the second reading. Mark Howard seconded. Passed 3-0.

IV. Adjourn:
The meeting adjourned at 5:08 pm.

View / Download / Print Special Called Meeting Minutes March 18th, 2024