Minutes of Baneberry Planning Commission

April 4, 2022, 4:30 PM
Baneberry City Hall

Call to Order: Karl Kammann called the meeting to order at 4:35p.m.

Board Members: Chairman Tom Carter-absent
Vice-Chair Karl Kammann
Mayor Donna Hernandez
George Davis
Wade Nicely
Gunter Tillmann
Jim Stover-absent

Approval of Minutes: Wade Nicely made the motion to approve the minutes. Seconded by Mayor Hernandez. Motion passed 5-0

Citizen’s Comments: No Citizens comments

Old Business: No old business

New Business: Motion made Gunter Tillmann to approve new house construction for Joseph A Campbell on 335 Bonnevista Dr. Seconded by Wade Nicely. Motion passed 5-0

Motion made by Mayor Hernandez to approve new deck construction on 3506 St Andrews Dr. Seconded by Gunter Tillmann. Motion passed 5-0

Adjourn: Motion made by Commissioner Tillmann seconded by Mayor Hernandez at 4:44 p.m.

Approved: June 9, 2022