Minutes of Baneberry City Commission Meeting

June 6, 2022, 5 PM
Baneberry City Hall

Call to Order: Mayor Hernandez called the meeting to order at 5:57PM

Prayer Delivered: Vice Mayor Carter delivered the prayer

Pledge of Allegiance

Board Members: Mayor Donna Hernandez
Vice Mayor Tom Carter
Commissioner Gary Zander

Approval of Minutes: Vice Mayor Carter made the motion to approve the minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Zander. Motion passed 3-0.

Communication from the Mayor: Mayor Hernandez gave information about upcoming election process.
Reported that Tom Garswick has been helping at the Fire Station.
Discussion on a process for use of city credit card.
Reported the fence at the dog park will be installed next week.
City emails are no longer through AOL we are now using Microsoft Outlook.

Communication from City Commissioners: Discussion on repair area paving Mountain View and Cove Lane

Communication from City Manager: We have switched to Microsoft online and he has set up individual email accounts.
Working on updating our Permitting processes.
Tax exemption process.
City Manager has met with the Auditor.
Trilight continues to extend service areas starting June 6th.

Committee Reports:
1. Fire Department: No report

2. Planning Committee: Vice Mayor Carter reported they approved one new home for Jason Stewart on Cove Lane, one variance on Travelers Cove, fence permit on Harrison Ferry Rd, and a pool and a fence permit for Brian Metzger on Back Nine Dr.

3. Parks and Recreation: Sandy Plonski reported on upcoming July 4th events and their next meeting is June 21, 2022.

4. Road Commission: Gary Zander reported patch work on Cove Lane and Mountain View will be done this week or next depending on the weather.
a. Discussion on grant money for paving and use of future ARPA funds.
b. Mountain View and Cove Lane now have a water line and 5 new hydrants have been installed in the City by Witt Utility.

5. Codes Officer: No report

Old Business: Motion made by Commissioner Zander and seconded by Vice Mayor Carter to approve the 20-21 Audit. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion on Fireworks.

Discussion on Fence Permits.

Discussion on driveway aprons the Commissioners asked for an ordinance involving this issue. The new ordinance will pertain to new landowners and present landowners will be grandfathered.

New Business:
First Reading Ordinance 2022-003 an Ordinance Approving Amending the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year Budget Amendment #2. Commissioner Zander made a motion to approve, seconded by Vice Mayor Carter, the motion passed unanimously.

City Manager Dr. Nuzzi presented the 2022-2023FY Budget for a first reading. After some discussion, and noting the ordinance number correction.

First Reading of Ordinance 2022-004, an Ordinance Adopting the Annual Budget and Tax Rate for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2022, and Ending June 30, 2023. Vice Mayor Carter made a motion to accept. Seconded by Commissioner Zander. Motion passed 3-0.

First Reading Ordinance 2022-005 An Ordinance Adopting and Enacting a Codification and Revision of the Ordinances of the City of Baneberry, Tennessee. Motion made by Commission Zander. Seconded by Vice Mayor Carter. Motion passed unanimously.

Special Called meeting date set for June 20th for Second Reading of the following Ordinances: Ordinance 2022-003 an Ordinance Approving Amending the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year Budget Amendment #2.

Ordinance 2022-004, an Ordinance Adopting the Annual Budget and Tax Rate for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2022, and Ending June 30, 2023.

Ordinance 2022-005 An Ordinance Adopting and Enacting a Codification and Revision of the Ordinances of the City of Baneberry, Tennessee.

July meeting date was moved to Monday, July 11th.

Citizen’s Comments: Dick Smith, Mountain View Lane, asked about street paving costs.

Sandy Plonski, Back Nine Dr. had questions about Fire Hydrants.

Brian Metzger, Back Nine Dr, opinion about paving, fireworks, and fire department.

Adjourn: Motion made by Vice Mayor Carter seconded by Commissioner Zander at 7:00 p.m.

Approved: June 21, 2022